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Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2005Q1 High Availability Administration Guide 


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Chapter 1   Application Server High Availability Features
Overview of High Availability
High Availability Database
Load Balancer Plug-in
Highly Available Clusters
Clusters, Instances, Sessions, and Load Balancing
More Information
Planning a High Availability Deployment
Tuning High Availability Servers and Applications
HTTP Load Balancing and Failover
How the Load Balancer Works
Assigned Requests and Unassigned Requests
HTTP Load Balancing Algorithm
Sample Applications
Setting Up HTTP Load Balancing
Procedure to Set Up Load Balancing
Configuring Web Servers for HTTP Load Balancing
Modifications to Sun Java System Web Server
Modifications to Apache Web Server
Configuring Multiple Web Server Instances
Configuring the Load Balancer
Creating an HTTP Load Balancer Configuration
Creating an HTTP Load Balancer Reference
Enabling Server Instances for Load Balancing
Enabling Applications for Load Balancing
Creating the HTTP Health Checker
Exporting the Load Balancer Configuration File
Changing the HTTP Load Balancer Configuration
Enabling Dynamic Reconfiguration
Disabling (Quiescing) a Server Instance or Cluster
Disabling (Quiescing) an Application
Configuring HTTP and HTTPS Session Failover
HTTPS Routing
Configuring Idempotent URLs
Upgrading Applications Without Loss of Availability
Application Compatibility
Upgrading In a Single Cluster
Upgrading in Multiple Clusters
Upgrading Incompatible Applications
High Availability Session Persistence
Overview of Session Failover
Sample Applications
Setting Up High Availability Session Persistence
Enabling Session Availability
Enabling Availability for a Server Instance
HTTP Session Failover
Configuring Availability for the Web Container
Configuring Availability for Individual Web Applications
Using Single Sign-on with Session Failover
Stateful Session Bean Failover
Configuring Availability for the EJB Container
Configuring Availability for an Individual Application or EJB Module
Configuring Availability for an Individual Bean
Specifying Methods to Be Checkpointed
RMI-IIOP Load Balancing and Failover
Sample Application
Procedure for Application Client Container
Procedure for Stand-Alone Client
Java Message Service Load Balancing and Failover
Overview of Java Message Service
Sample Application
Further Information
Configuring the Java Message Service
Java Message Service Integration
JMS Hosts List
Connection Pooling and Failover
Load-Balanced Message Inflow
Using MQ Clusters with Application Server
Enabling MQ Clusters

Chapter 2   Installing and Setting Up High Availability Database
Overview of High-Availability Database
About Highly Available Clusters
HADB Server Architecture
HADB Nodes
New Features and Improvements
General Improvements
Specific Changes
Using Customer Support for HADB
Preparing for HADB Setup
Configuring Network Redundancy
Setting Up Network Multipathing
Configuring Double Networks
Configuring Shared Memory and Semaphores
Procedure for Solaris
Procedure for Linux
Synchronizing System Clocks
File System Support
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Veritas File System
HADB Installation
Default Installation Directories
Setting Root Privileges for Node Supervisor Processes
Setting up High Availability
Starting the HADB Management Agent
Configuring a Cluster for High Availability
Configuring an Application for High Availability
Restarting the Cluster
Upgrading HADB
Registering HADB Packages
Unregistering HADB Packages
Replacing the Management Agent Startup Script

Chapter 3   Administering High Availability Database
Using the HADB Management Agent
Management Agent Command Syntax
Customizing Management Agent Configuration
Configuration File
Starting the Management Agent
Starting the Management Agent as a Service
Starting the Management Agent in Console Mode
Using the hadbm Management Command
Command Syntax
Security Options
General Options
Environment Variables
Configuring HADB
Creating a Management Domain
Example of Creating an HADB Management Domain
Creating a Database
Specifying Hosts
Specifying Device Size
Setting Heterogeneous Device Paths
Example of Creating a Database
Viewing and Modifying Configuration Attributes
Getting the Values of Configuration Attributes
Setting the Values of Configuration Attributes
Configuration Attributes
Configuring the JDBC Connection Pool
Getting the JDBC URL
Creating a Connection Pool
Connection Pool Example
Creating a JDBC Resource
Managing the HADB
Managing Domains
Extending a Domain
Deleting a Domain
Removing Hosts from a Domain
Listing Hosts in a Domain
Managing Nodes
Starting a Node
Stopping a Node
Restarting a Node
Managing Databases
Starting the HADB
Stopping the HADB
Restarting the HADB
Listing Databases
Clearing the HADB
Removing a Database
Recovering from Session Data Corruption
Expanding the HADB
Adding Storage Space to Existing Nodes
Adding Machines
Adding Nodes
Refragmenting the Database
Adding Nodes by Recreating the Database
Monitoring HADB
Getting the Status of HADB
Database States
Node Status
Getting Device Information
Getting Runtime Resource Information
Data Buffer Pool Information
Lock Information
Log Buffer Information
Node Internal Log Buffer Information
Maintaining HADB Machines
Clearing and Archiving History Files
History File Format

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